Lesson 9 B
HOUR (huruf nya mati, tapi bunyi nya hidup) –> AN HOUR
USA BOY (hurufnya hidup, bunyinya mati) –> A USA BOY
Practice 1
This is a tiger
This is NOT a tiger
Is this a tiger?
Yes, this is a tiger
No, this is not a tiger
That is a tiger
That is NOT a tiger
Is that a tiger?
Yes, that is a tiger
No, that is NOT a tiger
Practice 2
Anne : Excuse me, Ted
Ted : Yes?
Anne : what is this?
Ted : this is a durian
Anne : and what is that ?
Ted : That is an onion
Anne : I see
(penjelasan tentang excuse me dan sorry) – gunakan pronunciation dalam bicara
This is an office
This is not an office
Is this an office?
1. | office | 8 | toilet |
2. | company | 9. | telephone kiosk |
3. | school | 10. | internet kiosk |
4. | hospital | 11. | shop |
5. | boarding house | 12. | dictionary |
6. | post office | 13. | lift |
7. | building | 14. | english course |
rock a bye baby on the tree top
when the wind blows the craddle will rock
when the bough breaks the craddle will fall
and down will come baby craddle and all
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