Part 1 : Introduction
Part 2 : Answer my questions completely
1. | full name | 12. | phone number |
2. | spell | 13. | hobby |
3. | full name | 14. | zodiac |
4. | nickname (Nama panggilan) | 15. | favorite music |
5. | age (usia) | 16. | favorite drink |
6. | job | 17. | favorite tv program |
7. | position | ||
8. | home address | ||
9. | postal code | ||
10. | marriage | ||
11. | religion |
oh rivaldo
go carlo
also polo
no timbo
so akimbo
ringo only
Santo and Rivaldo are brothers
They go together everyday
I think they are both clever
Carlo and Paulo are their friends
Carlo is rather thin. Paulo is also thin
I think they are all good friends
How to introduce someone
Review the Dialog
Bill : John, this is my father Mr. Alex
Bev : nice to meet you, Mr. Alex
Dave : nice to meet you too, Bill
Practice the following at home
Hi, my name is Siti. My full name is Siti Komariah but people call me Kokom. I am 16 years old. I am a student and I am class XI. My school is SMU Nusantara.
My home address is Jl Paus No.1 and my school address is Jl Yos Sudarso No. 5
I am still single of course. I am moslem. My zodiac is Libra and my hobby is Dancing.
That’s all thank you very much
Hello, my is Andy. My full name is Andy William. I don’t have a middle name. I am an employee. My office address is Jl. Melawai No. 3. My company is PT Ujung Lima. My position is a manager there.
I am catholic. I am 36 years old and I am married. Oh yes, my hobbies are sightseeing (jalan2) and watching movies (nonton film). My favorite film is Mandarin. My favorite movie star is Jet Lee.
That’s all for today, thank you very much