lesson 2 update


Review 1        : Mention the following numbers


Review 2        : How do you spell ……..

1soekarno6duta ratu persada
2eyang cakrabuana7nogososro sabuk inten
3macan putih8prabu siliwangi
4goa sancang9galuh pakuan
5syafiudin malik10alas purwo banyuwangi

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Section 1        : Plossive Sounds [k, p, t]




pun                  happen            trap

pair                  apply               flop

pay                  depend            sip

party                paper

pale                 top

people             keep


Practice 1       :

  1. Carlo, Paulo and Pill are friends.

  2. I have a good book. It is about pets

  3. Paul will come to my school with Parker

  4. Peter likes Polo very much

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Practice 2       : Left or right

  1. they are going to suffer/supper without her

  2. the old car was painted/tainted yellow

  3. the hatless/hapless young man canoed the river

  4. the flight/plight of the birds is on a documentary

  5. there were a lot of goods laps/laughs at the competition

  6. hang the rope/robe on the doorknob

  7. his bride/pride was the most important thing to him

  8. i believe the pair/bear went into the woods

  9. how many grapes/grates did you deliver

  10. could you please bring me a coffee/copy

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Section 2        : Greeting & Farewell


Dialog 1

John                : Good morning Mr. Green

Mr. Green        : Good morning, John

John                : How are you, Sir?

Mr. Green        : I am very well, how about you?

John                : not bad, Sir. Thank you

Mr. Green        : Good bye, John. Till later

John                : Good bye, Mr. Green


GreetingAsking someone’s conditionFarewell
good morninghow are you?good bye
good dayhow are things?good night
good afternoonhow are you doing?see you later
good eveninghow is businesstill tomorrow


I am very well/ fine
Not bad/ so so
I am not well/ I am sick
I have a cold / headache

Practice 3       : Translate into English

  1. Selamat pagi
  2. Bagaimana kabar Anda?
  3. Saya baik-baik saja
  4. Bagaimana tentang Anda?
  5. Saya kurang sehat
  6. Saya kena Flu
  7. Sampai nanti
  8. Baik selamat tinggal
  9. Terimakasih
  10. Terimakasih kembali

Dialog 2          :

Romeo            : hello, Juliett. How are you?
Juliette             : not good, I have a cold
Romeo            : oh, sorry to hear that
Juliette             : thanks
Romeo            : till later Juliette. See you
Juliette             : see you too

Lagu Good Morning