lesson 1 update

Materi A.Prononciation

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A.        Pronunciation




cab                  ankle              

car                   come              

keep                like                  

course             think               

kind                 book               

welcome         take                



    notice  > what do you think of me?


Practice 1

My name is Carl. I am from Canada. I am a cop. Katty is my sister She is kind. She is in the car. She likes to eat cakes. By the way, do you like to bake? take a break .. and welcome to e-Compusoft Online English Training

Practice 2

  1. a.coat       b. goat
  2. a.pick       b. pit
  3. a.wick      b. wig
  4. a.bag        b. back
  5. a.shut      b. cut
  6. a.angle    b. ankle
  7. a.case      b. face
  8. a.girl       b. curl
  9. a.catch   b. match
  10. a.rag       b. rack

B.        Speaking



A          B          C         D         E          F          G         H         I           J          K          L

ei         bi         si         di         i           ef         ji           eic       ay        jei         kei       el


M         N         O         P          Q         R         S          T          U         V          W         X

em       en        ow       pi         kyu      ar         es        ti          yu        vi         dabl     eks


Y          Z

wai       zed/zi



Practice 3       : How do you spell ___________?

  1. obama
  2. george bush        
  3. charles        
  4. john lennon      
  5. one way ticket      
  6. Zorro
  7. xenix
  8. mosquitoes
  9. anaconda
  10. mississippi


John                : excuse me

Mary                : yes?

John                : what’s your name?

Mary                : my name is Mary

John                : how do you spell it?

Mary                : M-A-R-Y

John                : I see, thank you

Mary                : that’s okey


0          1          2          3          4          5          6          7          8          9          10        11


12        13        14        15        19        20        30        31        50        100      1000




teen     = belas

ty         = puluh

101      = one oh one

0          =  zero, oh, null, love

Practice 4       : Mention the following numbers

15        50        51        55        13        30        3          300      3000

57        17        70        77        11        12        20        1001    2009




John                : Mary, what’s your phone number?

Mary                : pardon?

John                : what is your phone number?

Mary                : It’s 0819 05977 907

John                : thanks

Mary                : that’s ok





I beg your pardon


Practice 5       : What’s your phone number? It’s __________

  1. 02143912873         

  2. 085285418319         

  3. 08170004408         

  4. 0216520105         

  5. 08191234567       

  6. 081280339484

  7. 0254710829348

  8. 0314823749285

  9. 6221852827348

  10. 622827239486

little Indian Song

One little, two little, three little Indians

(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)

Four little, five little, six little Indians

(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians

(Keep us humming we're the ten little Indians)Ten little Indian boys

Artinya: Satu orang India kecil, dua orang India kecil, tiga orang India kecil(Buatlah kami bersenandung, kami adalah sepuluh orang India kecil)

Empat orang India kecil, lima orang kecil, enam orang India kecil(Teruslah kami bersenandung, kami adalah sepuluh orang India kecil)

Tujuh orang kecil, delapan orang kecil, sembilan orang kecil Orang India(Buat kami bersenandung, kami adalah sepuluh orang India kecil)Sepuluh anak laki-laki India